星期六, 9月 15, 2007


You are a greedily pig to me, grabbing everything in my hand.
You are the poision to me, blocking every vein in my brand.
Everyday I see you everywhere, you pissing me off in such a way.
All I want is natural liberty, liberator now is fighting back.

I spit this out, with my hate.
you fuckin' people made this become all insane.
you fuckin' people gonna scare of my name.

I hold a gun, in my hand.
If you fuckin' people don't change, you gonna eat this shit
If you fuckin' people don't change, I gonna shoot your heads

You say you can't deny the evil in your head
You say you can't reject the feeling that you gained
I think I can't accept the shit that what you said
You gonna die tonight, YEAH, in your bed

(Where) will you scream my name
